“Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has those days.” said Hannah Montana. You are beautiful! You are pretty! But for those days when you’re struggling to remember that, here are some of the ways to feel great again in no time!
Wear the shoes you keep under your desk
So your inner pain will be manifested on the outside but amazing how you really only ever experience misery in beat-up Converse or hole-y socks and never heels, right?

Do the opposite thing to your hair
Put it up if you always wear it down, or take it down if you’re a perma-ponytail girl or just do what you usually never do! You could also call your mom and make her tell you how special you are, but fishing’s more fun when you don’t have to say a word and it’s not someone who gave birth to you.

Put on some blush
In times like these, it’s good to pretend you’re an old time movie star with a Mid-Atlantic accent and spunk up the wazoo. Go on pretending to be the bad girl.

Fix your posture
The secret power moves “If you believe it, you can achieve it”that low-key command respect. So open up your chest while imagining an invisible string pulling your head up. Did you just grow 2 inches? And lose, like, one Chipotle burrito from around your waist? MAGIC.

Jewelry is always a good idea
Shiny things are appealing and cheerful-making, especially when they make a pleasant jangling noise. Earrings, especially, light up your face and also your spirit.

Changing your appearance can give you a boost in confidence and help you out of an appearance rut. It can also be fun! Giving yourself some time alone to do something relaxing can give you a boost in self-esteem and also help you relax, which in turn helps keep up your positivity.