Many of us have seen all the new designer bags that are actually real and you covet them. We have also been watching the street fashion and noticed that some of the bags may not be the actual designer’s but a knock-off. Sometimes, we want the brand name but cannot afford to pay such high prices and opt for the perfect duplicates. For some cases, it is difficult to tell if they are real or fake most of the time because the duplicity is perfectly executed. Today, we have some tips from experts about how to spot a fake designer bag.
Prada Bags
First thing first, the plaque must be firmly attached and the stitching all around should be evenly done. The zippers has to be embossed on the back side. They should include “YKK” or “RiRi” or “Lampo” or “Opti” or “Ipi”. If the “R” doesn’t have a curved leg, it is a fake and you should be able to find a white tag with numbers in an interior pocket.
Chanel Bags
If you cannot find brand markings on the turn locks, it signifies a knock-off. The age of bag and the type of zipper should be consistent (each year the zippers have a different look). The quilting should appear to be perfect, with flawless pocket stitches matching with the body. The hologram must be located inside every single Chanel bag and It is an easy way to make sure that your Chanel bag is authentic.
Louis Vuitton Bags
Firstly, look for the date codes around the bag and also, the company logo on every part of the hardware of the bag. Nothing should look unsymmetrical about the monogram. The last question is does your bag show signs of aging?
Coach Bags
The C letters of the logo should be evenly lined an all sides. The logo should appear on every piece of hardware. Check where is the bag made from. Usually, it should state that it is in Italy. There’s a serial number embossed on the inside and on a square patch of leather that has been sewn into the lining. Also, There should be a number or number & leather combination, wherein the last four or five digits indicate the style number.
Marc Jacobs Bags
There’s a “RiRi” or “Lampo” embossed on the backside of the zipper along with the Marc Jacobs logo.These are very important and no piece is without them. Is the metal nameplate directly attached to the bag? And it should say “Made in Italy” anywhere on the place or within the inner pocket. It is a favorite by Marc Jacobs to have a suede lining at the outer pockets, so it makes for a very good indicator as well.
We could go to one of their boutiques or department store to purchase designer’s bags but since there’s a growing number of people looking for bargains will shop for these stuffs online, buy them on the secondary market or at consignment shops. That’s a bit of a gamble because you can’t be sure you’re getting the real thing. We hope these tips will help you pick your new favorite designer’s bag and get what you deserve with 100% satisfaction.